Testabol Depot BRITISH DRAGON – 200mg/ml (10ml)


Generic name – testosterone cypionate


Testabol Depot BRITISH DRAGON – 200mg/ml (10ml)

Generic name – testosterone cypionate

Formerly used for breast cancer and low sperm cure testosterone cypionate and also known as Depo-Testosterone, testosterone cipionate, as well as testosterone cyclopentylpropionate or testosterone cyclopentanepropionate. This androgenic ester of testosterone for injection use.is actually considered as one of the best steroids in the world for its quick and strong results and good synergetic results with other products.

What to expect with Testabol?

Massive growth of muscles and strength, fat loss from inhibition of estrogen, improved muscle healing and increase of stamina in a record time.

Testabol dosage

Average dosage for novice users is about 250 mg a week with the possibility of dosage raising up to 800 mg for experienced users. This is the ultimate value before the side effects can occur.

Known side effects of Testabol

With the recommended dosage exceedance side effects can occur. Known side effects are male baldness, suppression of testosterone and gynecomastia.

PCT after Testabol course is strongly recommended and products like Tamoxifen and Proviron are tested with testosterone cypionate with best results.


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